Bosch Home Connect Appliances - The Smarter Way to Manage Your Home

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Want to start a cup of coffee on your way home or initiate your dishwasher’s wash cycle from the road? Now you can - thanks to Bosch Home Connect!

Creating value in the appliance space isn’t easy anymore, as appliances have gotten so good it almost seems like there isn’t much to improve upon. Refrigerators cost less than $40 per year to run these days versus $120 a year just two decades ago (thanks to Energy Star-rated models), appliance reliability is at an all-time high, and sleek design cues have transformed appliances from mere workhorses to part of an elegant suite of home accessories that look as good as they perform. But leave it to cutting-edge appliance manufacturer Bosch to bring to market what may prove to be the biggest leap forward in appliance technology to date: their Home Connect system.

With a real-world approach that emphasizes tangible benefits versus overwrought technological add-ons, Home Connect is designed to create greater efficiency and control when interfacing with your appliances. For example, you may think that installing an inward-facing camera in a Bosch refrigerator is a little extreme, but think about the last time you were at the grocery store and wondered, “Am I out of milk?” The Bosch Home Connect system will allow you to view the inside of the fridge from your connected smartphone or tablet, thus eliminating any doubt over the contents of the icebox.

Or how about taking all of the guesswork out of making the ultimate cup of coffee? Bosch’s Home Connect system integrates wonderfully with its fully automatic coffee machine and responds to voice commands like “Brew a coffee cortado,” or, “Brew a latte.” The coffee maker adapts to individual recipes and allows you to save favorite settings with ease. It’ll even send you a notification to your smartphone when it is time to clean the unit.

Bosch’s Integrated dishwasher, the 800-series, offers virtually all of the incredible features you’ve come to expect from Bosch, like flexible rack systems, near-silent operation, an onboard water softener, and Energy Star-rated energy efficiency, but it is the Home Connect compatibility that truly sets this dishwasher apart from the rest. The built-in connectivity enables access to the dishwasher from any tablet or smartphone, so you can start your load of dishes or check on the progress of the unit from virtually anywhere. You can even diagnose a potential service issue right from your phone.

Bosch Home Connect also delivers intelligent, voice-activated control for your appliances through partners like Amazon’s Alexa and Echo, Nest products, and IFTTT Apps. Small space home appliances are also taking over in many urban markets today, and Home Connect is the ideal partner when it comes to innovation and efficiency. 2017 promises to be an incredible year for those looking to replace old, underperforming, or faulty appliances with a suite of intelligent new machines from leading-edge manufacturers like Bosch. For more information on today’s modern appliance offerings including intelligent connected units, contact AjMadison today!